Delivery of the "WELDTRAINER" Welding Simulator for the Needs of the Technical University - Varna

Welding is a special process and it takes a lot of experience and knowledge to achieve the required quality. The "WELDTRAINER" welding simulator comes to the aid of students and welders. It has the ability to teach the most used welding processes such as manual arc welding, MIG/MAG, tube wire welding, TIG welding, etc.

The trainer is equipped with everything necessary to reproduce the welding process – welding machine, work table, welding samples prepared for welding in different welding positions, welding helmet with audio and video system, additional monitor for visualization of the process, welding torches.

A specially designed software simulate the welding process with appropriate training exercises and tests. After the exercise is completed, a report is automatically generated that gives information about the process, what parameters were used, a record of the entire welding test, an analysis of errors, the presence of pores, non-welded areas, spatters and other imperfections in the weld seam.

We hope the simulator will serve faithfully and train students to handle welding processes in a real welding operations. If you are interested in this product, contact us for more information.