On 24.11.2023, we took another small step on the way to the implementation of the project for the construction of our new warehouse base, showroom, service and central office in Sofia. With the “Groundbreaking” ceremony of our new headquarters project:
Construction of a central warehouse and a headquarters of Kammarton Bulgaria Ltd. in land with identifier 68134.4355.233, quarter 6, "SPZ Moderno Predgradie - Obelya", Lyulin district, SOFIA municipality, we launched this exciting undertaking.
Mr. Bogdanov - Minister of Economy and Industry, Ms. Katarina Rangnitt - Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden, Ms. Zoya Paunova - Consul of the Kingdom of Sweden in Bulgaria, Mr. Todorov - Mayor of Lyulin District and official representatives of the Lyulin District, the management of Swecham - Swedish Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Invest Sofia, the companies involved in the construction, design and financing of the project, partners and clients of the investor, media that cover the industry and construction, neighbors, employees and friends were invited.
The parameters of the future building are: site with a total area of 17087 m2, built-up area 7010 m2; Expanded built-up area 12730 m2 of which 4313 m2 are functionally intended for offices, showroom, service , and 8057 m2 are intended for warehouses. The property has a site for loading and unloading activities, with lots of greenery, a parking lot with chargers for electric cars, a fire extinguisher tank and an electrical substation.
Kammarton Bulgaria is the investor. The funding is provided by a consortium including the United Bulgarian Bank - KBC Group, the "Sustainable Cities Fund" and the "Urban Development Funds (UDF)".
The designer of the building is Markan Project Ltd. Argogroup Exact Ltd. - a company with a very good reputation and experience in the construction of industrial and residential buildings - was chosen as the builder.
With the construction, the project will contribute to the improvement of the urban periphery, as it is a new and modern building located in the western industrial zone, it will become a place for a comfortable, welcoming and modern working environment for over 140 people, revealing more than 20 new work places.