Electrodes GЕКА Elit 2.5x350 mm

Electrodes GЕКА Elit 3.2x350 mm, Package- 5 kg
Classifications EN ISO 2560 - A: E42 0 RR 12
Common Characteristics
Typlcal Base Materlal Grades:
S235JR, S275JR, S235J2G3-S355J2G3, P235 GH, P265 GH, P255NH, P235T1-P355T1, P235T2- P355T2, P235G1TH , P255SG1TH, L210- L360NB, S235JRS1-S235J2S1, S235JRS2-S235J2S2.

Features and Applications:
The mostly-used type among the rutile electrades
Electrode coating of high thickness.
Satter and fume formation in low amounts.
Good welding beads.
Easy striking.

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