Modular Spreader Beam OX

Structural steel and high elastic limit steel, supplied with quality certificate 3.1, are used for the manufacture of the spreader beams.
Common Characteristics

– The Spreader beams is designed and manufactured in accordance with current norms.
– Reduced size and weight, that eases and reduces transportation, storage and installation costs.
– Easy and fast assembly, following the steps on the instructions manual. An annual checking is mandatory.
– Cheap product, replaces a whole range of spreader and beams.
– It is a modular system, you just have to add or remove them in order to have a new spreader beam adjusted to your needs for any lifting work.
– Completely watertight terminals: This avoids any leakage of moisture that generates corrosion, ideal for the Maritime, Oil & Gas, Offshore sector.
– For a lifting of multiple anchorage points you can combine spreader beams vertically.
– All models are delivered with shackles.
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications

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